All of us are born with a calling on our lives that is meant to be carried out through the expressions of our gifts, talents, and abilities. Our spirit is duty-bound to be loyal to its own desires. Life can only be lived to the fullest measure when we abandon ourselves to the master-passion God has put within us. Within each of us there is a God Positioning System designed to bring us into our calling.
Once you identify and discover your calling, you can then organize all of your activities around it. Everything you do should be an expression of your calling. Without a calling to guide you, your goals and action plans may not ultimately fulfill you.
You don’t want to get to the top of the ladder only to find out you were leaning up against the wrong wall. Identifying, acknowledging, and living your calling is the most important action you can take. Your calling must be discovered, embraced, and, lived with passion and enthusiasm.
Those who fail to do this get sidetracked on life’s journey. It’s easy to wander and drift, accomplishing little. When you are truly serving your calling, the people, resources, and opportunities you need will supernaturally gravitate toward you. The world benefits too, because when you are in alignment with your calling, all of your actions automatically serve others.
That was God’s specific purpose in calling the Jewish people to serve and honor Him. Through them, the actions of the world would be saved, and they would be the envy of the world as God would shower His spiritual and material blessings upon them.
Romans 11:28 tells us they hardened their hearts to His calling on their lives. But God used that to the advantage and benefit of the Gentiles.
Romans 11:29 is a great promise and a stark reminder of just how great a responsibility we each have as to the perfecting of our gifts and callings.
Simply put, they are without repentance. That means they are irrevocable. God does not change His mind about your calling and gifting. He never withdraws them once they are given, and He does not change His mind about those to whom He gives His grace or to whom He sends His call.
Romans 11:33 reminds us of the depths of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God. How unsearchable are His judgments and His ways past finding out. He (Paul) is talking about God’s wisdom and knowledge of your calling and gifting.
God is the originator of all things – all things come from Him. He, God, originated your calling and gifting. He chose them for you. God is the sustainer of all things – they all depend on Him. He, God, sustains your calling and gifting. No one can change your calling or gifting or stop them.
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