His command is that we pray without ceasing.
(I Thessalonians 5:17)
At theChurch, we’re a Bible-based, Spirit-led community open to all people, nations, and cultures. Our mission is simple: to glorify God through passionate worship, life-changing Biblical teaching, and building people in their faith. We believe in living a transformed life in spirit, soul, and body, grounded in the truth of His Word and the power of the Holy Spirit.
Here, families unite to serve God and His Kingdom with purpose. We invite you to experience the excitement of a church where God is the focus, and every person is empowered to pursue Him with passion and live out their Kingdom calling.
We build His Kingdom using our spiritual gifts and are committed to being:
His command is that we pray without ceasing.
(I Thessalonians 5:17)
He is worthy of our time, talent, and treasure.
(Acts 20:35)
As citizens of His Kingdom, we serve Him with absolute abandonment. (John 12:26)
As ambassadors of His Kingdom, we are to share His message of salvation, healing, and deliverance with those in our world. (Matthew 28:19-20)
We build His Kingdom using our spiritual gifts and are committed to being:
Pastor Tony Scott
Senior Pastor, Maumee Campus
Tony and his beloved wife, ShirleyAnn, have built a profound legacy in both their marriage and ministry. In 1974, after Tony received his BA from Lee University, they accepted the pastorate of their first church in Sylvania, Ohio, with a congregation of 45 people. Their vision was to impact the city by helping people connect with God and reach their full potential. The congregation continued to grow, and in 2005, and theChurch purchased 57 acres for the Maumee Campus. On August 18, 2020, Shirley entered in the presence of Jesus. While she is no longer here physically, she remains with us in spirit and will always be an integral part of our church family. Pastor Tony continues to write, speak, and lead as senior pastor of theChurch, passionately empowering the next generation to embrace their Kingdom identity and fulfill their God-given call.
For resources, books, and to invite Pastor Tony to speak, visit tonyscott.tv.
Pastor Lawrence Rhea
Fremont Campus Pastor
Pastor Lawrence took over the leadership of theChurch Fremont on May 1, 2024. With a heart full of love and a passion for ministry, he brings over a decade of experience as a worship and preaching pastor. His journey of faith began at an early age when he accepted Christ, setting the foundation for a lifetime dedicated to serving God and His people.
Married for 24 wonderful years, he and his wife Jennifer are blessed with five children who bring joy and inspiration to their lives. His family is a testament to the values of love, faith, and unity that he cherishes deeply.
Pastor Lawrence has a fervent passion for teaching and witnessing the spiritual growth of others. He believes that while none of us are perfect, we all have the potential to become better versions of ourselves through faith and dedication.
One of his favorite quotes encapsulates his philosophy: "God wants you to come as you are, but not stay where you are.”
We build His Kingdom using our spiritual gifts and are committed to being:
We believe all people matter to God
Luke 14:23
We emphasize the teaching of His Word and the power of His Holy Spirit to transform lives
2 Corinthians 5:17
Acts 2:4
We love God and people
Luke 10:27
We strive to see every person transformed into being
a fully devoted disciple of Christ.
Colossians 1:28
Ephesians 4:11-13
We endeavor to continually reach others in our world who need God and those who want to go deeper in the Word.
Matthew 28:18-20, The Great Commission
We are committed to understanding and living Pro-God lives by grasping the meaning of Covenant Life.
Hebrews 9:15
We commit to cultural relevance while embracing doctrinal purity.
I Corinthians 9:22
I Timothy 6:11-14
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